Sunday, November 10, 2019

2019-11-10 Black Mtn.

I needed some exercise but couldn’t plan a big hike for today so I drove over to the tail head for Black Mtn. by my house (5 minutes) and hiked the 4 miles to the summit with my SOTA pack.  I took Sulu and it was nice to get out and get some fresh air.

Once on top I setup the K6ARK spider thread antenna on my mast and hooked up the KX2.  The noise floor was at S7 on 20, almost 9 on 40 meter.  I spotted myself on side band and didn’t get anything on either band.  I already have the points for this mountain so no big deal but before packing up, I sent out a CQ on CW (morse).  Dan, KI6KU called out to me when he got an alert via reverse beacon network (a very handy service).  Dan slowed down for me and with his contact, I was able to “activate” the mountain. 

The real bonus for this evening was the sunset.  I snapped the pic above a little late but no biggie.  Just as I was packing up, about 40 people in a hiking group showed up.  Younger people that do a meatup once a month.  Of course they were very curious about what I was doing and got a kick out of it.  I walked down in the dark under a full moon so bright that it left a shadow. I didn’t even need my headlamp.  That’s it, nothing more to tell.  :)


      First aid kit.  Make sure it’s a good one... like ability to patch up an impalement wound. 
      Elecraft KX2 10 watt HF Radio
   30’ of coax feed line (not needed)
      3 L of water (8 lb)
      iPhone with All Trails, MotionX GPS and sota goat
      Trekking poles (not today)
     LNR End Fed multi-band antenna
   AnyTone AT-868UV DMR radio for testing.
   Custom wine bottle cork paddles for CW (crafted by K6ARK)
   Delorme Inreach satellite tracker and communicator.
      Yaesu FT-2DR HT (backup left in the car)
     Packtenna. (did not take)
      Yaesu FT-891D HF Radio at 100 watts  (left this in the car :) )
      LDG Z-100 plus auto antenna tuner for the FT 891 (not needed)
   Extra LiFePO Battery (not needed)

Christian Claborne
(aka chris claborne

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