2021 was a busy year for me, “hike mountain,
work radio”, also known as Summit On The Air (SOTA). I generally start out the year with some
goals in mind. For 2021, my goal was to
NOT exceed my 2020 stats for summits and points. I felt trying to do that would take some of
the joy out of the SOTA for me since 2020 was a huge year. In 2020 I was working to get to 1,000 points
and the associated mountain goat award, so I had “goat fever”. This year I just wanted to stay above the
2019 stats for summits, points, miles, elevation gain and first
activations. I also wanted to build
at-least one radio and an antenna, play with JS8call and improve my CW copy
speed. So how did I do? (Click on images for larger)
start with the stats: